Covenant Players
Half-Marathon 2022
July 16, 2022
Oxnard, California
This summer six Covenant Players will be participating in various marathon events to raise funds for the expenses of our summer operations.
Will you join with us in supporting our participants?
Donations can be made through this website by clicking on the donate buttons below.
THANK YOU! For your ongoing prayer, support and generosity to the mission and ministry of Covenant Players.

Robin Goettl, veteran of 22 Marathons, will be running 13.1 miles.
Wendi Barcus & Wendy Cyr are cycling 5k.

Mark Johson-Tanner, Jennifer Morris, and Erin Goettl will all be walking 5k.
If you would like to support us by check rather than credit card, please make your check payable to Covenant Players, writing "Marathon" in the memo, and send to:
P.O. Box 2900, Oxnard CA 93034-7155
Your generous donation is tax-deductible, as Covenant Players is a recognised religious and educational body organised exclusively for charitable, religious and educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; State of California
Charitable Registration Number D-0626827;
Federal I.D. 23-7186252;
California Association of Non-Profits #6302.